frequently asked questions


How old do I need to be to create a Pressto account?

If you're younger than 13, speak with your teacher and they can invite you to start creating on Pressto. Anyone 13 and older can create an account today!

How do I submit a Pressto?

Once you are finished creating your Pressto you can submit your work by clicking the 'share' button in the top right corner. This will publish your Pressto and your teacher will be able to view your work.

How do I use a Join Code?

Your teacher will provide you with a Join Code that will help you connect to your classroom.

How do I share my work?

Once you are done creating your Pressto, there are two ways to share. Look to the top right corner and you will see a 'Share' button, by clicking that you can either publish or print.

When you publish you get a link that you can share with your family and friends. When you print a booklet you get to make your very own zine that you can pass around.

Can I duplicate my old Presstos?

You can easily duplicate your Presstos from your dashboard. Choose the Pressto you want to copy and click on the 3 dots, from the dropdown choose 'duplicate' and you're all set! 


Sign in with Google Classroom

You can connect your students to Pressto by linking to your Google Classroom.

Running into any problems? Get help here.

How to use Join Code

If you are unable to use Google Classroom, you can connect your students through the use of a Join Code. The 'Invite Students" button in the top right corner of your dashboard is where you will be able to generate the code that your students will enter in.

What do I do if Pressto is blocked?

No worries, this is an easy fix. Reach out to your IT department and ask them to add Pressto to their 'whitelist'. You can also email us at and we'll be more than happy to facilitate that for you.

How do I view my student's work?

You can view your student's Pressto's under the classrooms tab.

What are the Pressto Formats?

Currently, we offer booklet and story formats! 

The booklet allows students to create an 8-page zine perfect for a 200-400 word assignment that can be shared digitally or printed out on one 8.5x11" sheet and easily folded into booklet form to share with family and friends or placed on the bulletin board.

The story format provides students the ability to create as many pages as they would like in a familiar social media style format.

Have more questions?

A member of the Pressto team will reach out within 24 hours.